What is the proper way to reproach a rav?Purim and Shushan PurimIs there anything wrong with correcting your...
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What is the proper way to reproach a rav?
Purim and Shushan PurimIs there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?What is the biography of Rav Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern?What were the marriage rights of the temporary wives of Rav and Rav Nachman?Adding “rav” to ploni's father's nameThe proper manner to rebuke?Is it proper to investigate the validity of a rav?For what purpose do you need a Rav?Who was Rav Moshe Margolis's Rav?Finding a Rav for a womanRav Belsky's illustration on how to lean by the sederIs it possible to lodge an appeal for a soul that has gone to Gehenom?
Unfortunately, there are many shuls where the majority of people talk during the service. Even more unfortunate, is that some of the people who do the most talking are primary synagogue officers with the power to hire and fire the rav. I've seen it happen a few too many times when the rav has asked these people to keep quiet, and they get offended because they don't want anyone telling them what to do. Eventually, they had the rabbi fired.
In some cases, the rav, himself, also talks during parts of the davening, about matters unrelated to the needs of the service.
Someone in my neighborhood left the shul where the rav was in both positions - i.e., he talked, and because he was afraid to lose his job, he let the people talk as well. One day, when the rav saw this person on the street, he asked him why he left the shul. The person was embarrassed to reproach the rav, because he respected him. So, he avoided the question, altogether. He asked me for suggestions, and I'm not sure about what to do.
What's the best way to reproach the rav? Tell him the blatant truth including the fact that he is part of the problem - namely that he talks? Encourage the rav to tell the main people that they cannot talk when doing so may risk his job, there? Or, continue avoiding the question and mind one's own business?
rabbis rebuke-tochacha
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Unfortunately, there are many shuls where the majority of people talk during the service. Even more unfortunate, is that some of the people who do the most talking are primary synagogue officers with the power to hire and fire the rav. I've seen it happen a few too many times when the rav has asked these people to keep quiet, and they get offended because they don't want anyone telling them what to do. Eventually, they had the rabbi fired.
In some cases, the rav, himself, also talks during parts of the davening, about matters unrelated to the needs of the service.
Someone in my neighborhood left the shul where the rav was in both positions - i.e., he talked, and because he was afraid to lose his job, he let the people talk as well. One day, when the rav saw this person on the street, he asked him why he left the shul. The person was embarrassed to reproach the rav, because he respected him. So, he avoided the question, altogether. He asked me for suggestions, and I'm not sure about what to do.
What's the best way to reproach the rav? Tell him the blatant truth including the fact that he is part of the problem - namely that he talks? Encourage the rav to tell the main people that they cannot talk when doing so may risk his job, there? Or, continue avoiding the question and mind one's own business?
rabbis rebuke-tochacha
partially related: judaism.stackexchange.com/a/99681/11501
– mbloch
4 hours ago
@mbloch Good info in that link. But, not really applicable, here. I certainly would not advise reproaching him on this in public. As I implied, shul politics is brutal, sometimes. I have high respect for almost all shul rabbis. But, I really empathise with the tough decision to balance ethics and halacha with one's career. It's a painful decision to make.
– DanF
4 hours ago
The Halachot linked are not just in public. They suggest a way to indirectly reproach him by hinting at the issue without telling him directly he is in breach of the Halacha. But of course your question is broader
– mbloch
4 hours ago
Why couldn't the guy just answer something like 'I find that there's too much talking going on in the Shul and it affects my concentration, so I mostly daven elsewhere' without mentioning any specific names?
– Salmononius2
3 hours ago
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Unfortunately, there are many shuls where the majority of people talk during the service. Even more unfortunate, is that some of the people who do the most talking are primary synagogue officers with the power to hire and fire the rav. I've seen it happen a few too many times when the rav has asked these people to keep quiet, and they get offended because they don't want anyone telling them what to do. Eventually, they had the rabbi fired.
In some cases, the rav, himself, also talks during parts of the davening, about matters unrelated to the needs of the service.
Someone in my neighborhood left the shul where the rav was in both positions - i.e., he talked, and because he was afraid to lose his job, he let the people talk as well. One day, when the rav saw this person on the street, he asked him why he left the shul. The person was embarrassed to reproach the rav, because he respected him. So, he avoided the question, altogether. He asked me for suggestions, and I'm not sure about what to do.
What's the best way to reproach the rav? Tell him the blatant truth including the fact that he is part of the problem - namely that he talks? Encourage the rav to tell the main people that they cannot talk when doing so may risk his job, there? Or, continue avoiding the question and mind one's own business?
rabbis rebuke-tochacha
Unfortunately, there are many shuls where the majority of people talk during the service. Even more unfortunate, is that some of the people who do the most talking are primary synagogue officers with the power to hire and fire the rav. I've seen it happen a few too many times when the rav has asked these people to keep quiet, and they get offended because they don't want anyone telling them what to do. Eventually, they had the rabbi fired.
In some cases, the rav, himself, also talks during parts of the davening, about matters unrelated to the needs of the service.
Someone in my neighborhood left the shul where the rav was in both positions - i.e., he talked, and because he was afraid to lose his job, he let the people talk as well. One day, when the rav saw this person on the street, he asked him why he left the shul. The person was embarrassed to reproach the rav, because he respected him. So, he avoided the question, altogether. He asked me for suggestions, and I'm not sure about what to do.
What's the best way to reproach the rav? Tell him the blatant truth including the fact that he is part of the problem - namely that he talks? Encourage the rav to tell the main people that they cannot talk when doing so may risk his job, there? Or, continue avoiding the question and mind one's own business?
rabbis rebuke-tochacha
rabbis rebuke-tochacha
edited 4 hours ago
asked 4 hours ago
partially related: judaism.stackexchange.com/a/99681/11501
– mbloch
4 hours ago
@mbloch Good info in that link. But, not really applicable, here. I certainly would not advise reproaching him on this in public. As I implied, shul politics is brutal, sometimes. I have high respect for almost all shul rabbis. But, I really empathise with the tough decision to balance ethics and halacha with one's career. It's a painful decision to make.
– DanF
4 hours ago
The Halachot linked are not just in public. They suggest a way to indirectly reproach him by hinting at the issue without telling him directly he is in breach of the Halacha. But of course your question is broader
– mbloch
4 hours ago
Why couldn't the guy just answer something like 'I find that there's too much talking going on in the Shul and it affects my concentration, so I mostly daven elsewhere' without mentioning any specific names?
– Salmononius2
3 hours ago
add a comment |
partially related: judaism.stackexchange.com/a/99681/11501
– mbloch
4 hours ago
@mbloch Good info in that link. But, not really applicable, here. I certainly would not advise reproaching him on this in public. As I implied, shul politics is brutal, sometimes. I have high respect for almost all shul rabbis. But, I really empathise with the tough decision to balance ethics and halacha with one's career. It's a painful decision to make.
– DanF
4 hours ago
The Halachot linked are not just in public. They suggest a way to indirectly reproach him by hinting at the issue without telling him directly he is in breach of the Halacha. But of course your question is broader
– mbloch
4 hours ago
Why couldn't the guy just answer something like 'I find that there's too much talking going on in the Shul and it affects my concentration, so I mostly daven elsewhere' without mentioning any specific names?
– Salmononius2
3 hours ago
partially related: judaism.stackexchange.com/a/99681/11501
– mbloch
4 hours ago
partially related: judaism.stackexchange.com/a/99681/11501
– mbloch
4 hours ago
@mbloch Good info in that link. But, not really applicable, here. I certainly would not advise reproaching him on this in public. As I implied, shul politics is brutal, sometimes. I have high respect for almost all shul rabbis. But, I really empathise with the tough decision to balance ethics and halacha with one's career. It's a painful decision to make.
– DanF
4 hours ago
@mbloch Good info in that link. But, not really applicable, here. I certainly would not advise reproaching him on this in public. As I implied, shul politics is brutal, sometimes. I have high respect for almost all shul rabbis. But, I really empathise with the tough decision to balance ethics and halacha with one's career. It's a painful decision to make.
– DanF
4 hours ago
The Halachot linked are not just in public. They suggest a way to indirectly reproach him by hinting at the issue without telling him directly he is in breach of the Halacha. But of course your question is broader
– mbloch
4 hours ago
The Halachot linked are not just in public. They suggest a way to indirectly reproach him by hinting at the issue without telling him directly he is in breach of the Halacha. But of course your question is broader
– mbloch
4 hours ago
Why couldn't the guy just answer something like 'I find that there's too much talking going on in the Shul and it affects my concentration, so I mostly daven elsewhere' without mentioning any specific names?
– Salmononius2
3 hours ago
Why couldn't the guy just answer something like 'I find that there's too much talking going on in the Shul and it affects my concentration, so I mostly daven elsewhere' without mentioning any specific names?
– Salmononius2
3 hours ago
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2 Answers
There seem to be two questions here. One is the title question: how to reproach a Rav. The implied question is how to stop talking in shul. (I have not tried to answer the implied question.)
The general answer to the title question is found as @mbloch's answer to Is there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?.
Rabbi Kaganoff has an article that touches specifically on talking during the chazaras hashatz.
The implication of his article is that generally reproach should be in private.
Admonishing a talmid chacham
If someone who is not scholarly sees a talmid chacham do something
that appears to be halachically incorrect, what is the proper thing
for him to do? Does the non-scholarly person have a mitzvah to
admonish the Torah scholar for his lapse?
The halacha is that one is required to rebuke the talmid chacham, and
that even a disciple has a responsibility to be mochiach his own rebbe
(Bava Metzia 31a). There are halachic details for giving such
The easiest approach is for the student to ask his rebbe respectfully
what is the halacha in the situation (that was ostensibly violated).
In this way, the disciple neither acts nor speaks disrespectfully
since he did not tell his rebbe that he had committed a violation. If,
indeed, the rebbe was in violation of a halacha, it has now been
brought to his attention in an appropriate way. It also may be true
that the rebbe is aware of opinions who permit the action under the
specific circumstances involved.
The Gemara (Shabbos 55a) provides an example of this: Rav Yehudah was
listening to the Torah lecture of his rebbe, the great amora Shmuel,
when a woman entered and began screaming at Shmuel. Shmuel ignored the
woman and continued his teaching. Rav Yehudah turned to his master,
asking him: Does the master not accept the teaching of Mishlei
(21:13): “One who closes his ears from the outcry of the poor will not
be answered when he calls out (in prayer).” If Shmuel felt that the
verse in Mishlei did not apply in his circumstance, he could have
explained to his disciple why this is so.
Here is another example:
A talmid sees his rebbe speak during the repetition of the shemoneh
esrei. It is correct for the talmid to ask his rebbe: “Didn’t we learn
that one may not talk during the chazaras hashatz?” Framing the rebuke
as a question is milder than saying to his rebbe directly: “It is
forbidden to talk during chazaras hashatz.”
As we noted above, someone who sees a person talking during chazaras
hashatz is required to feel tremendous love for this person, so much
so that it pains him to realize that the talker will be punished for
his misdeed. Then, the mochiach tries to figure out what will be the
most effective way of communicating both these feelings and the
message to the wrongdoer.
Skimmed through this. But, actually, I had no intention of implying how to get people to stop talking in shul. I've dealt with that on this site, already. It can be done, but when the officers in your shul don't care, it's pretty much impossible to implement it. The only thing that seems to work is to pay them to leave, but then they mess up another shul or form their own schmoozing shul. (I'm not joking about that 2nd idea, BTW.)
– DanF
1 hour ago
Point taken. 2nd idea is amazing!
– Avrohom Yitzchok
53 mins ago
add a comment |
Brochos 22a:
מעשה ברבי יהודה שראה קרי והיה מהלך על גב הנהר אמרו לו תלמידיו רבינו שנה לנו פרק אחד בהלכות דרך ארץ ירד וטבל ושנה להם.
אמרו לו לא כך למדתנו רבינו
They said to him: Did you not teach us otherwise, our teacher...
So id the Halacha like Aruch Hashulchan, for example:
ראה רבו עובר על דברי תורה – לא ימחה בידו בלשון גנאי, אלא אומר לו: "למדתנו רבינו כך וכך". ואפילו רצה לעבור על איסור דרבנן – מחוייב למחות בידו בלשון הזה. והרואה רבו עושה מעשה, ויש לו להקשות על זה אם הוא איסור דאורייתא – יקשה לו מקודם, ולא יניחנו לעשות המעשה. ואם הוא איסור דרבנן – יניחנו לעשות המעשה ואחר כך יקשה לו, הואיל שאינו יודע בוודאי שעובר אלא שיש לו קושיא – הוה כספיקא דרבנן, ולא נדחה כבוד הרב מפני זה
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2 Answers
2 Answers
There seem to be two questions here. One is the title question: how to reproach a Rav. The implied question is how to stop talking in shul. (I have not tried to answer the implied question.)
The general answer to the title question is found as @mbloch's answer to Is there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?.
Rabbi Kaganoff has an article that touches specifically on talking during the chazaras hashatz.
The implication of his article is that generally reproach should be in private.
Admonishing a talmid chacham
If someone who is not scholarly sees a talmid chacham do something
that appears to be halachically incorrect, what is the proper thing
for him to do? Does the non-scholarly person have a mitzvah to
admonish the Torah scholar for his lapse?
The halacha is that one is required to rebuke the talmid chacham, and
that even a disciple has a responsibility to be mochiach his own rebbe
(Bava Metzia 31a). There are halachic details for giving such
The easiest approach is for the student to ask his rebbe respectfully
what is the halacha in the situation (that was ostensibly violated).
In this way, the disciple neither acts nor speaks disrespectfully
since he did not tell his rebbe that he had committed a violation. If,
indeed, the rebbe was in violation of a halacha, it has now been
brought to his attention in an appropriate way. It also may be true
that the rebbe is aware of opinions who permit the action under the
specific circumstances involved.
The Gemara (Shabbos 55a) provides an example of this: Rav Yehudah was
listening to the Torah lecture of his rebbe, the great amora Shmuel,
when a woman entered and began screaming at Shmuel. Shmuel ignored the
woman and continued his teaching. Rav Yehudah turned to his master,
asking him: Does the master not accept the teaching of Mishlei
(21:13): “One who closes his ears from the outcry of the poor will not
be answered when he calls out (in prayer).” If Shmuel felt that the
verse in Mishlei did not apply in his circumstance, he could have
explained to his disciple why this is so.
Here is another example:
A talmid sees his rebbe speak during the repetition of the shemoneh
esrei. It is correct for the talmid to ask his rebbe: “Didn’t we learn
that one may not talk during the chazaras hashatz?” Framing the rebuke
as a question is milder than saying to his rebbe directly: “It is
forbidden to talk during chazaras hashatz.”
As we noted above, someone who sees a person talking during chazaras
hashatz is required to feel tremendous love for this person, so much
so that it pains him to realize that the talker will be punished for
his misdeed. Then, the mochiach tries to figure out what will be the
most effective way of communicating both these feelings and the
message to the wrongdoer.
Skimmed through this. But, actually, I had no intention of implying how to get people to stop talking in shul. I've dealt with that on this site, already. It can be done, but when the officers in your shul don't care, it's pretty much impossible to implement it. The only thing that seems to work is to pay them to leave, but then they mess up another shul or form their own schmoozing shul. (I'm not joking about that 2nd idea, BTW.)
– DanF
1 hour ago
Point taken. 2nd idea is amazing!
– Avrohom Yitzchok
53 mins ago
add a comment |
There seem to be two questions here. One is the title question: how to reproach a Rav. The implied question is how to stop talking in shul. (I have not tried to answer the implied question.)
The general answer to the title question is found as @mbloch's answer to Is there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?.
Rabbi Kaganoff has an article that touches specifically on talking during the chazaras hashatz.
The implication of his article is that generally reproach should be in private.
Admonishing a talmid chacham
If someone who is not scholarly sees a talmid chacham do something
that appears to be halachically incorrect, what is the proper thing
for him to do? Does the non-scholarly person have a mitzvah to
admonish the Torah scholar for his lapse?
The halacha is that one is required to rebuke the talmid chacham, and
that even a disciple has a responsibility to be mochiach his own rebbe
(Bava Metzia 31a). There are halachic details for giving such
The easiest approach is for the student to ask his rebbe respectfully
what is the halacha in the situation (that was ostensibly violated).
In this way, the disciple neither acts nor speaks disrespectfully
since he did not tell his rebbe that he had committed a violation. If,
indeed, the rebbe was in violation of a halacha, it has now been
brought to his attention in an appropriate way. It also may be true
that the rebbe is aware of opinions who permit the action under the
specific circumstances involved.
The Gemara (Shabbos 55a) provides an example of this: Rav Yehudah was
listening to the Torah lecture of his rebbe, the great amora Shmuel,
when a woman entered and began screaming at Shmuel. Shmuel ignored the
woman and continued his teaching. Rav Yehudah turned to his master,
asking him: Does the master not accept the teaching of Mishlei
(21:13): “One who closes his ears from the outcry of the poor will not
be answered when he calls out (in prayer).” If Shmuel felt that the
verse in Mishlei did not apply in his circumstance, he could have
explained to his disciple why this is so.
Here is another example:
A talmid sees his rebbe speak during the repetition of the shemoneh
esrei. It is correct for the talmid to ask his rebbe: “Didn’t we learn
that one may not talk during the chazaras hashatz?” Framing the rebuke
as a question is milder than saying to his rebbe directly: “It is
forbidden to talk during chazaras hashatz.”
As we noted above, someone who sees a person talking during chazaras
hashatz is required to feel tremendous love for this person, so much
so that it pains him to realize that the talker will be punished for
his misdeed. Then, the mochiach tries to figure out what will be the
most effective way of communicating both these feelings and the
message to the wrongdoer.
Skimmed through this. But, actually, I had no intention of implying how to get people to stop talking in shul. I've dealt with that on this site, already. It can be done, but when the officers in your shul don't care, it's pretty much impossible to implement it. The only thing that seems to work is to pay them to leave, but then they mess up another shul or form their own schmoozing shul. (I'm not joking about that 2nd idea, BTW.)
– DanF
1 hour ago
Point taken. 2nd idea is amazing!
– Avrohom Yitzchok
53 mins ago
add a comment |
There seem to be two questions here. One is the title question: how to reproach a Rav. The implied question is how to stop talking in shul. (I have not tried to answer the implied question.)
The general answer to the title question is found as @mbloch's answer to Is there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?.
Rabbi Kaganoff has an article that touches specifically on talking during the chazaras hashatz.
The implication of his article is that generally reproach should be in private.
Admonishing a talmid chacham
If someone who is not scholarly sees a talmid chacham do something
that appears to be halachically incorrect, what is the proper thing
for him to do? Does the non-scholarly person have a mitzvah to
admonish the Torah scholar for his lapse?
The halacha is that one is required to rebuke the talmid chacham, and
that even a disciple has a responsibility to be mochiach his own rebbe
(Bava Metzia 31a). There are halachic details for giving such
The easiest approach is for the student to ask his rebbe respectfully
what is the halacha in the situation (that was ostensibly violated).
In this way, the disciple neither acts nor speaks disrespectfully
since he did not tell his rebbe that he had committed a violation. If,
indeed, the rebbe was in violation of a halacha, it has now been
brought to his attention in an appropriate way. It also may be true
that the rebbe is aware of opinions who permit the action under the
specific circumstances involved.
The Gemara (Shabbos 55a) provides an example of this: Rav Yehudah was
listening to the Torah lecture of his rebbe, the great amora Shmuel,
when a woman entered and began screaming at Shmuel. Shmuel ignored the
woman and continued his teaching. Rav Yehudah turned to his master,
asking him: Does the master not accept the teaching of Mishlei
(21:13): “One who closes his ears from the outcry of the poor will not
be answered when he calls out (in prayer).” If Shmuel felt that the
verse in Mishlei did not apply in his circumstance, he could have
explained to his disciple why this is so.
Here is another example:
A talmid sees his rebbe speak during the repetition of the shemoneh
esrei. It is correct for the talmid to ask his rebbe: “Didn’t we learn
that one may not talk during the chazaras hashatz?” Framing the rebuke
as a question is milder than saying to his rebbe directly: “It is
forbidden to talk during chazaras hashatz.”
As we noted above, someone who sees a person talking during chazaras
hashatz is required to feel tremendous love for this person, so much
so that it pains him to realize that the talker will be punished for
his misdeed. Then, the mochiach tries to figure out what will be the
most effective way of communicating both these feelings and the
message to the wrongdoer.
There seem to be two questions here. One is the title question: how to reproach a Rav. The implied question is how to stop talking in shul. (I have not tried to answer the implied question.)
The general answer to the title question is found as @mbloch's answer to Is there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?.
Rabbi Kaganoff has an article that touches specifically on talking during the chazaras hashatz.
The implication of his article is that generally reproach should be in private.
Admonishing a talmid chacham
If someone who is not scholarly sees a talmid chacham do something
that appears to be halachically incorrect, what is the proper thing
for him to do? Does the non-scholarly person have a mitzvah to
admonish the Torah scholar for his lapse?
The halacha is that one is required to rebuke the talmid chacham, and
that even a disciple has a responsibility to be mochiach his own rebbe
(Bava Metzia 31a). There are halachic details for giving such
The easiest approach is for the student to ask his rebbe respectfully
what is the halacha in the situation (that was ostensibly violated).
In this way, the disciple neither acts nor speaks disrespectfully
since he did not tell his rebbe that he had committed a violation. If,
indeed, the rebbe was in violation of a halacha, it has now been
brought to his attention in an appropriate way. It also may be true
that the rebbe is aware of opinions who permit the action under the
specific circumstances involved.
The Gemara (Shabbos 55a) provides an example of this: Rav Yehudah was
listening to the Torah lecture of his rebbe, the great amora Shmuel,
when a woman entered and began screaming at Shmuel. Shmuel ignored the
woman and continued his teaching. Rav Yehudah turned to his master,
asking him: Does the master not accept the teaching of Mishlei
(21:13): “One who closes his ears from the outcry of the poor will not
be answered when he calls out (in prayer).” If Shmuel felt that the
verse in Mishlei did not apply in his circumstance, he could have
explained to his disciple why this is so.
Here is another example:
A talmid sees his rebbe speak during the repetition of the shemoneh
esrei. It is correct for the talmid to ask his rebbe: “Didn’t we learn
that one may not talk during the chazaras hashatz?” Framing the rebuke
as a question is milder than saying to his rebbe directly: “It is
forbidden to talk during chazaras hashatz.”
As we noted above, someone who sees a person talking during chazaras
hashatz is required to feel tremendous love for this person, so much
so that it pains him to realize that the talker will be punished for
his misdeed. Then, the mochiach tries to figure out what will be the
most effective way of communicating both these feelings and the
message to the wrongdoer.
edited 1 hour ago
answered 1 hour ago
Avrohom YitzchokAvrohom Yitzchok
Skimmed through this. But, actually, I had no intention of implying how to get people to stop talking in shul. I've dealt with that on this site, already. It can be done, but when the officers in your shul don't care, it's pretty much impossible to implement it. The only thing that seems to work is to pay them to leave, but then they mess up another shul or form their own schmoozing shul. (I'm not joking about that 2nd idea, BTW.)
– DanF
1 hour ago
Point taken. 2nd idea is amazing!
– Avrohom Yitzchok
53 mins ago
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Skimmed through this. But, actually, I had no intention of implying how to get people to stop talking in shul. I've dealt with that on this site, already. It can be done, but when the officers in your shul don't care, it's pretty much impossible to implement it. The only thing that seems to work is to pay them to leave, but then they mess up another shul or form their own schmoozing shul. (I'm not joking about that 2nd idea, BTW.)
– DanF
1 hour ago
Point taken. 2nd idea is amazing!
– Avrohom Yitzchok
53 mins ago
Skimmed through this. But, actually, I had no intention of implying how to get people to stop talking in shul. I've dealt with that on this site, already. It can be done, but when the officers in your shul don't care, it's pretty much impossible to implement it. The only thing that seems to work is to pay them to leave, but then they mess up another shul or form their own schmoozing shul. (I'm not joking about that 2nd idea, BTW.)
– DanF
1 hour ago
Skimmed through this. But, actually, I had no intention of implying how to get people to stop talking in shul. I've dealt with that on this site, already. It can be done, but when the officers in your shul don't care, it's pretty much impossible to implement it. The only thing that seems to work is to pay them to leave, but then they mess up another shul or form their own schmoozing shul. (I'm not joking about that 2nd idea, BTW.)
– DanF
1 hour ago
Point taken. 2nd idea is amazing!
– Avrohom Yitzchok
53 mins ago
Point taken. 2nd idea is amazing!
– Avrohom Yitzchok
53 mins ago
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Brochos 22a:
מעשה ברבי יהודה שראה קרי והיה מהלך על גב הנהר אמרו לו תלמידיו רבינו שנה לנו פרק אחד בהלכות דרך ארץ ירד וטבל ושנה להם.
אמרו לו לא כך למדתנו רבינו
They said to him: Did you not teach us otherwise, our teacher...
So id the Halacha like Aruch Hashulchan, for example:
ראה רבו עובר על דברי תורה – לא ימחה בידו בלשון גנאי, אלא אומר לו: "למדתנו רבינו כך וכך". ואפילו רצה לעבור על איסור דרבנן – מחוייב למחות בידו בלשון הזה. והרואה רבו עושה מעשה, ויש לו להקשות על זה אם הוא איסור דאורייתא – יקשה לו מקודם, ולא יניחנו לעשות המעשה. ואם הוא איסור דרבנן – יניחנו לעשות המעשה ואחר כך יקשה לו, הואיל שאינו יודע בוודאי שעובר אלא שיש לו קושיא – הוה כספיקא דרבנן, ולא נדחה כבוד הרב מפני זה
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Brochos 22a:
מעשה ברבי יהודה שראה קרי והיה מהלך על גב הנהר אמרו לו תלמידיו רבינו שנה לנו פרק אחד בהלכות דרך ארץ ירד וטבל ושנה להם.
אמרו לו לא כך למדתנו רבינו
They said to him: Did you not teach us otherwise, our teacher...
So id the Halacha like Aruch Hashulchan, for example:
ראה רבו עובר על דברי תורה – לא ימחה בידו בלשון גנאי, אלא אומר לו: "למדתנו רבינו כך וכך". ואפילו רצה לעבור על איסור דרבנן – מחוייב למחות בידו בלשון הזה. והרואה רבו עושה מעשה, ויש לו להקשות על זה אם הוא איסור דאורייתא – יקשה לו מקודם, ולא יניחנו לעשות המעשה. ואם הוא איסור דרבנן – יניחנו לעשות המעשה ואחר כך יקשה לו, הואיל שאינו יודע בוודאי שעובר אלא שיש לו קושיא – הוה כספיקא דרבנן, ולא נדחה כבוד הרב מפני זה
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Brochos 22a:
מעשה ברבי יהודה שראה קרי והיה מהלך על גב הנהר אמרו לו תלמידיו רבינו שנה לנו פרק אחד בהלכות דרך ארץ ירד וטבל ושנה להם.
אמרו לו לא כך למדתנו רבינו
They said to him: Did you not teach us otherwise, our teacher...
So id the Halacha like Aruch Hashulchan, for example:
ראה רבו עובר על דברי תורה – לא ימחה בידו בלשון גנאי, אלא אומר לו: "למדתנו רבינו כך וכך". ואפילו רצה לעבור על איסור דרבנן – מחוייב למחות בידו בלשון הזה. והרואה רבו עושה מעשה, ויש לו להקשות על זה אם הוא איסור דאורייתא – יקשה לו מקודם, ולא יניחנו לעשות המעשה. ואם הוא איסור דרבנן – יניחנו לעשות המעשה ואחר כך יקשה לו, הואיל שאינו יודע בוודאי שעובר אלא שיש לו קושיא – הוה כספיקא דרבנן, ולא נדחה כבוד הרב מפני זה
Brochos 22a:
מעשה ברבי יהודה שראה קרי והיה מהלך על גב הנהר אמרו לו תלמידיו רבינו שנה לנו פרק אחד בהלכות דרך ארץ ירד וטבל ושנה להם.
אמרו לו לא כך למדתנו רבינו
They said to him: Did you not teach us otherwise, our teacher...
So id the Halacha like Aruch Hashulchan, for example:
ראה רבו עובר על דברי תורה – לא ימחה בידו בלשון גנאי, אלא אומר לו: "למדתנו רבינו כך וכך". ואפילו רצה לעבור על איסור דרבנן – מחוייב למחות בידו בלשון הזה. והרואה רבו עושה מעשה, ויש לו להקשות על זה אם הוא איסור דאורייתא – יקשה לו מקודם, ולא יניחנו לעשות המעשה. ואם הוא איסור דרבנן – יניחנו לעשות המעשה ואחר כך יקשה לו, הואיל שאינו יודע בוודאי שעובר אלא שיש לו קושיא – הוה כספיקא דרבנן, ולא נדחה כבוד הרב מפני זה
answered 1 hour ago
Al BerkoAl Berko
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partially related: judaism.stackexchange.com/a/99681/11501
– mbloch
4 hours ago
@mbloch Good info in that link. But, not really applicable, here. I certainly would not advise reproaching him on this in public. As I implied, shul politics is brutal, sometimes. I have high respect for almost all shul rabbis. But, I really empathise with the tough decision to balance ethics and halacha with one's career. It's a painful decision to make.
– DanF
4 hours ago
The Halachot linked are not just in public. They suggest a way to indirectly reproach him by hinting at the issue without telling him directly he is in breach of the Halacha. But of course your question is broader
– mbloch
4 hours ago
Why couldn't the guy just answer something like 'I find that there's too much talking going on in the Shul and it affects my concentration, so I mostly daven elsewhere' without mentioning any specific names?
– Salmononius2
3 hours ago