
Showing posts from March 2, 2019

Looking for a specific 6502 AssemblerMeaning of $ and $$ in Modcomp assembly languageWhy did Sinclair choose...

Is there a lava-breathing lizard creature (that could be worshipped by a cult) in 5e? Is there any risk in sharing info about technologies and products we use with a supplier? Hilchos Shabbos English Sefer Ellipses aligned on the same boundary point Identify KNO3 and KH2PO4 at home What is the wife of a henpecked husband called? Potential client has a problematic employee I can't work with Why publish a research paper when a blog post or a lecture slide can have more citation count than a journal paper? False written accusations not made public - is there law to cover this? Why are the books in the Game of Thrones citadel librar...